Drive Traffic to Your Site

Build a website, and they will come? Hardly. 

THEY WILL NOT COME unless you systematically drive people to your website, and put forth the effort needed to do so. Remember: Your website is your company’s most valuable, personalized asset in welcoming and gaining clients, and informing them specifically about Your Kick-Ass Company. 

Want people to visit your site, and learn more about your company?
(No brainer: Yes.) 

Learn What Drives Traffic to Your Site:

Social Media: Your Facebook page is not your website. (Repeat that statement, please.) Social media allows chances built relationships, post photos, offer promotional items, and even tell a good success story. But the ultimate goal of social media is larger than being “liked”. Look at the big picture – utilize social media to drive traffic to your website as it is intended. Uh oh – have you gotten caught up in social media, and forgotten its true intention of bringing folks to your website? Been there.

Email Newsletters/Blog: This is twofold. Newsletters and blogs are valuable forms of ever-changing content for your website, which, in turn, promotes search engines finding you – and ultimately drives traffic to your site. Equally important, however, is that your company’s newsletters and blogs are executed properly, and draw readers from social media sites and inboxes to your website as intended. Do you have a newsletter?
What compels people to want to open your newsletter? 

Forge Hard Links: The more places your website is linked, the more places you will be found by search engines and by visitors. For example, if you are a winery – you may consider building a link on your site to a restaurant who carries your top-selling wines, and asking the restaurant to add your company’s link on their website. (IMD has our website linked on multiple sites of companies we’ve worked with. Whether their company is searched or ours, IMD’s website still comes up – bettering our chances of driving people to our site.) Think fast – how many places can people get to your website from?  

SEO: Utilizing heavily-searched key terms throughout your web content (based on your industry) can certainly drive traffic to your site, but there is much more to SEO than keyword researching and phrasing. Off-page submissions, Google AdWords…In truth, ensuring your website is optimized for SEO should be done by a professional. Have you had a thorough analysis of your SEO performed recently? Are you covering
your SEO bases? Is it time to contact a professional?

Bottom Line: Your website cannot showcase Your Kick-Ass Company if no one visits it. Drive traffic to your site – or your visitors will traffic other sites that put forth the effort to drive them there. Build it and they will come? Hardly.


Eyes Wide Open


Update: Your Website