Kick-Ass Conferencing

What’s the trick to Kick-Ass Conferencing? Two words: Relationship building.

IMD has attended many (many) conferences, both as vendors and attendees. We’ve seen the sad, lonely booths with the workers sitting around looking bored (snore). We’ve also experienced lively, interactive booths, observed keen companies and memorable giveaways – and we currently enjoy multiple business relationships forged completely at conferences. 

Understand: Conferencing is less about immediate sealing-the-deal, and all about building relationships. Keep in mind these Kick-Ass Conferencing tips:

Pre-Conference: Ensure it’s a good fit for your company. Talk with the host, get hard numbers.

How many are attending, and how many are repeat guests? How is the event being promoted?  Get names, and talk with seasoned vendors. Word of mouth is a strong indicator of the quality of a conference.

Prepare & strategize. Consider working with a company (IMD, of course) to ensure quality signage, booth visuals, giveaways items – and a successful event.

At The Conference: This is NOT the time to sit around. Get off your derriere, and get noticed!

Downtime? No problem – talk with the vendors! You never know who might need a service from that “friendly company they met at the conference”.  Where are they from? How did they hear about this conference? 

Make eye contact. Be witty, creative, and personal. How will people remember you after meeting you?

Don’t rely solely on your giveaway. A giveaway is intended to remind the attendee of meeting your company. What giveaway will represent your exchange at the conference?

Post-Conference: Don’t drop the ball. Follow through on following up. 

Build time to follow up promptly after the conference. Do you have their addresses?

Follow up with attendees – and vendors. Hint: IMD does just as much business with vendors that we’ve met at conferences as we do attendees. Will your follow-up be memorable? Will you offer discounts? Referrals?  

Bottom Line: Kick-Ass Conferencing is about building relationships. And
(sorry, not sorry) building a relationship with IMD will help your company enjoy Kick-Ass Conferencing! 




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