Nice To Meet You, Again

Have I told you, lately? 

Some clients are consistent, others intermittent – it’s the nature of the game. But whether you work closely with a client or it’s been awhile, don’t leave anyone in the dust as your company evolves and adds new services. You may very well have a client eager for something you offer… who doesn’t know you offer it.

Case in point: On the phone with a client IMD has worked with consistently for some time, our conversation went like this:

IMD: “What’s on your agenda for today?”

CLIENT: “Nothing much, just waiting for the graphics on our company trucks to be installed. We’ve been waiting for over a month now.”

IMD: “Oh yeah? You should have let me know. We could have handled that for you, and probably for a better price.”

CLIENT: “Really? I didn’t know you offered that!”

In the end, IMD provided our client’s graphics within the week, for a better price – and learned a valuable lesson: Don’t just assume that clients are familiar with all of your service lines. Take time to educate and re-educate your clients about all of the services your business provides.

It’s Been Awhile. Send a catch-up mailer now and again, an email, or even make a few phone calls. Take the opportunity to continually reintroduce your company to clients you haven’t worked with in a while, and educate them about what you offer now. Think efficient, and noticeable: How will
you inform your clients about your current service lines?

Did You Know? As the conversation exchange above points toward, even close clients may not be familiar with all of your services. Keep them informed, too, and keep them coming to you. How will you feel if your
client goes to a competitor?

No, I Didn’t See That. Don’t rely solely on social media to market your services. While you can analyze the number of people who see your posts, you cannot specify who. How will you ensure that clients receive your information? 

Bottom Line: Keep your clients informed and educated about your services. Help them connect the dots from what they already know about your company… to all they will come to love.  


Got Goals?


Wait For It