A Fair Shake

Are you put off by a weak handshake? I am. 

A handshake should be a quick gesture that says, “I’m engaged, I’m assertive, I’m professional. You can count on me.” Whether it’s the first greeting or the final seal-the-deal handshake – immediate and lasting judgments are made in those few seconds

Project confidence with your handshake, and put your clients at ease:

Make eye contact. Always.

Recognize. Repeat the name of the person you are shaking hands with. “Nice to meet you, Jane.” “Sounds like a plan, John.” 

You First. Especially if you are female, and the client is male – in the business world, men often wait until a woman extends her hand first. Man-to-man, or woman-to-woman, offering the first hand is a sign of confidence.

Keep it brief. A lingering handshake becomes awkward quickly. A few seconds does the trick.

Firm is good. Pain is not. Not only do you appear extremely overeager,
but it’s just…painful. 

Lame is Lame. The worst of handshakes, in my opinion, is a limp, wimpy handshake. It makes me feel like the person is either not interested, or not interesting.  

Bottom Line: A handshake goes a long way. It’s a small gesture, with a large impact. Always offer your clients a fair shake. 


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